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Learn Features of Mobile Phone

    Wired…are you? No longer. Lets take a step in to the wire free world of cellular phones. Small, big, slender, bulky, they are available in all sorts of sizes. Once upon a time treated as a status symbol, cellular phones have now become a frequent sight. The service providers too, have gone a step ahead in offering competitive rates, making the wire free world an absolute rage in these present times. However it's not only the service that most people are interested in. Deep thought and scrutiny is also given to the instrument one is purchasing. Numerous companies have plunged in offering a variety of fancy instruments. Once again, the manufacturer has placed the consumer on the highest scale of preference, giving him a colossal amount of models depending upon price, feature, size, etc. Along with the users attitude, the manufacturer as well has become articulate in delivering the best product to their buyers.

    How are manufacturers actually trying to woo their customers? The answer is simple. Innovative functions are constantly being introduced in cell phones to make communication as simple as it can be. 'Coming Closer' is the key word. Due to the superior expertise applied, cell phones are a fine example of the world getting more and more close. Undoubtedly, 'an ode to technology'. Interactive features are what make the consumer tick today. Ranging from Voice Dialer, Internal Vibrating Alert To Infra Red and Enhanced Full Rate Speech; they are plenty, they are new and they are for you! That's right. No longer does you mobile phone serve you as a device, merely to make or receive calls. With the abundant features available to you in that 6-inch wonder, life definitely becomes simpler and easily accessible too. Ranging from Travel, Weather and Shopping Info To Dial A Pizza and Order A Bouquet, cellular services have emerged as a new digital revolution in this existing era.


    As usual, lets get the factual inputs right from the consumer's viewpoint. Speaking of features, one of the most popular is that of a 'Voice Dialer'. A voice recognition system that allows you to dial a telephone number stored in your phone memory by just saying the person's name. You could store telephone numbers and verbally record the names of people you wish to fill up in your phonebook / memory. The most suitable for today's hassle-free world of pace and time, Voice Dialer provides an almost effortless dialing system to its users. Just say the name and abracadabra… your phone is already in the process of connecting you to the dialled call. One such lucky user of this incredible function is Mrs. Seema Lal. " I think it's a real boon. Specially while driving. While dialing the number manually one can get distracted, but this is a real treat. Just call out the caller's name and you are already getting connected." She explains gladly. Long, long ago when communication modes were scarce, imagining such a possibility would be laughed upon. But now it's all there right in front of our eyes. Too good to be true!

    Yet another interesting feature is the Enhanced Full Rate Speech (EFR). This feature helps in reducing the background noise that gets transmitted along with your voice while speaking on the phone. Highly advantageous in order to deliver an audible and a clear speech, this feature is just the apt requisite for our ever - so - crowded trains and buses. Mr. Ravi Khanna, a stockbroker is a loyal commuter of our dear old western railways since a long time now. " Traveling from Churchgate to Borivali is my everyday routine and since I'm into shares most of my work is done on my cellular phone. Earlier it used to be impossible, but now due to this special EFR function, conversing on the mobile has turn a lot better. Thankfully, my phone has turned in to a mini mobile office" says a satisfied Mr. Khanna. Whether the never - ending problem of our city's noise pollution is solved, cell phones have indeed come up with a credible solution. This feature is essentially supportive in theatres, crowded streets and huge public places. Technology for thought…sure has done some wonders


    'No strings attached'! That does sound good to the ears. Some skilled minds have made possible that it feels good to the ears as well. We are talking about the impressive 'Hands Free Kit' available with some cellular handsets, redefining freedom in the most amazing manner. Trendy and popular, the hands free kit is very well accepted by today's generation. " To avoid that extra head ache of actually holding the instrument while corresponding, a hands free is just the right thing." Says Mr. Vishal, a young production executive, who simply detests the idea of carrying the phone around all the time. "I specially chose an instrument with the hands free feature to avoid that extra pain on my ear and hand," he laughs. The hands free is included in the kit by the

    manufacturing company itself. One simply has to insert the plug in the instrument and wear its earphones and then J-U-S-T T-A-L-K. Your mobile being in the tiniest corner of your attire will not make a difference to your dialogue. Another added advantage of a hands-free is for motorists and bike riders who cant afford talking while driving/riding. A sweeping fine of Rs. 500, and undue diversion caused on the road are reason enough for many to choose a cellular instrument with this facility. However sleek a cell phone, nothing is more cool and compact than a hands free kit.


    Ever thought information could be passed on in the mobile manner… Here's one more cherry in the cellular pie. This one is called 'Infra-red'. Infrared is the most exclusive feature available in a few elite cellular phones wherein you can send and receive data from computer to mobile and mobile to mobile (provided all the instruments are Infra Red compliant). The process applied is fairly simple in which both the parties having the phone have to be physically present with each other for the exchange of data to take place. Mr. Scott, Vice President of a leading pharmaceutical company is very proud of his cellular wonder. "There have been many occasions where I need some important notes on my cell from my computer. Seemed like a far-fetched contemplation some while ago. No more hassles! I just have to transfer the data from my computer to my cell phone and sometimes even vice - versa. Now isn't that outstanding. My phone actually performs technological wonders" he exclaims with a broad grin. In addition to sending and receiving data from computer to phone, Infra red is also used amongst cellular users to exchange data such as business notes, telephone numbers, calendar notes etc. These features in cellular phones are comprehensive as well as highly beneficial to the end user.


    Moving on to something more amusing, but certainly worth a thought. How many times have we seen (or rather experienced it ourselves) people getting pathetic looks in theatres, meetings, conferences, auditoriums etc? No… it's not because of their appearance. The reason is that shrieking ring of that tiny mobile which gets across angry eyes and gritted teeth. There is a peaceful way out to this repetitive nuisance. Its called 'Internal Vibrating Alert'. Most phones have this function wherein the user can program his phone to physically vibrate instead of a ring tone, in accordance with his environment. This feature prevents the phone from making any kind of sound, saving the user unwanted embarrassment. Along with the vibrator, there are other modes such as 'silent', 'light only' and 'vibrator + ring', but the 'internal vibrator' still remains immensely popular. This feature also helps in crowded places where one is unable to hear the ring.


    One of the entertaining features provided by the manufacturers is the availability of games in cellular phones. Usually instruments have three to four games in their menu such as snake, logic, memory etc. Being extremely enjoyed amongst college students and young executives, these games are brainteasers and keep you entertained too. Several other features such as Calendar, Large Screen Display, Changing Backlight Colour,

    Musical Ringing Tones, and Bizarre Graphics are available on latest cell phones that are attractive and increase the phone value.

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