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Special Note For MoneySavers With AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo Accounts

Please be aware that these e-mail providers have very strict anti-Spam policies and that it is very easy for genuine messages to be mistaken for Spam. Pay special attention when subscribing to these type of e-mail accounts that our Tips do not get diverted to the Spam / Junk Mail folders. It's worth checking on a Thursday morning to see if the Money Tip is in your spam filter.

If it is, then follow these links for instructions on how to unfilter the Money Tips:

AOL instructions (Unofficial AOL Help site)

Yahoo instructions (Read "Why are messages I want occasionally directed to my Bulk folder?")

Hotmail instructions (Read "Keep mailing list messages out of your Junk E-Mail folder")

If you are running a spamfilter at work, please contact your ICT department.

Do I Have To Pay Anything?

No. All parts of, including Martin’s Money Tips, are completely free to use.

Will My E-mail Address Be Used For Advertising?

The site is free of all advertising. We only keep a record of your e-mail address so we can send you the Tip. We will not share your address with anyone else.

How Can I Tell If My Subscription Was Successful?

You will be sent a confirmation e-mail welcoming you to the Money Tips List.

When Should I Receive My First Tip?

Money Tips usually come out on a Wednesday, but please be aware that due to the nature of the Tips, they may come on a Tuesday or a Thursday and that, occasionally, special Tips are sent when particularly good or time-dependent deals are on offer.

What If I Don’t Receive A Confirmation E-Mail?

Confirmations are normally sent out instantly but sometimes there may be delays with mail servers, ISPs or the Internet itself. Please check any Spam filtering software you may have just in case it’s filtered out and you can always check that you spelt your e-mail address correctly by trying to subscribe again (you will be given a message telling you if your e-mail address is already subscribed). Finally, you can check with your ISP to see if they are filtering out any e-mails at their end.

If you still haven’t received your confirmation e-mail 24 hours after subscribing, please contact

Why Have My Tips Stopped Arriving?

Have you installed any Spam filtering or firewall software recently? Has your ISP installed any new filters that may be stopping our Tips from getting through? We rarely change the configuration of our Tips so a sudden stop usually results from other factors.

When I get the Money Tips, I can't read them or the text is jumbled up

This does happen sometimes. The tip is sent in the internet language HTML, some older e-mail reading software doesn't support it properly. The best thing to do is upgrade your e-mail reading software to the latest version. If that doesn't work, we are planning to try and start a 'plain text' version in the future, which should help.

In the meantime, then the tip is always duplicated in a fully readable version on the site. You access it by going to You could see the 'not so readable email' as a reminder to come to the site and read the tip properly.

How Do I Unsubscribe?

You can unsubscribe by going to the top of the page, enter your email address in the field. Make sure the Stop It option is ticked and press the Go button.

What If I Change My E-mail Address?

You can unsubscribe your old address by going to the top of the page and entering your old email address in the field, clicking "Unsubscribe", then clicking "Go". Then enter your new email address, and click "Go".
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