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Latest Laptop

Do you want a new Laptop or want to change your old one. Here are few points you should consider when buying a new Laptop.

  • Understand all the basic features of the laptop computer so you can buy the best machine for you.

  • Before you buy a laptop you need to understand the critical differences between a mobile computer and the much less mobile desktop, so you can decide which laptop features are most important to you.

  • Understand how laptop computers are categorized, and why size definitely does matter in the world of mobile computing.

  • Try to understand the screen resolution jargon quoted by laptop manufacturers.

  • Don't let inferior sound quality spoil your laptop listening experience. Learn how to spot which laptop computers contain a top-notch audio system.

  • You'll spend lots of time pointing and clicking so ensure that you choose the right device for controlling that cursor.

  • Laptop computers and keyboards - the 'key' considerations to keep in mind.

  • No point in selecting a laptop computer if it only allows you 30 minutes away from the office before running out of juice.  Find out the best type of laptop battery so you and your machine can keep going

  • So what are the two laptop hard drive considerations when selecting your ideal laptop computer - and how much "gig" do you need?

  • Do you still need a floppy drive on your laptop computer in this day and age?

  • With so many choices of CD and DVD drives, including read-only and writable devices, it's essential you make the right choice.

  • Select just the right amount of laptop memory.  Too little and your machine will hang in slow motion; too much and you'll pay through the nose.

  • Even in this day and age of high-speed cable broadband Internet access, you still need the humble laptop modem.

  • Ethernet - or cable - is the standard way of getting connected to the Internet at many locations, like the office or the hotel.

  • Look - no wires.  Grab yourself a laptop computer with wireless Internet connectivity and leisurely read your email down at the local coffee shop.

  • USB is short for Universal Serial Bus and it's quite simply the most important port to look for on any laptop computer.

  • Firewire offers fast access to external devices, but you may not need one on your laptop unless you're doing something special.

  • Special types of audio video (av) ports to look for, especially if you plan on using your laptop computer for business presentations or you want to borrow your laptop's DVD player for watching movies on your television.

  • Why you need a pc card slot on your laptop, which types are available and the best type to get.

  • Laptop Checklist

    I want this operating system:
    ___ Windows     ___ Macintosh

    I have this much amount to spend:

    Weight of Laptop:
    __ Ultralight     __ Notebook     __ Full Laptop     __ Really Big

    size display:
    ___ Under 15”     ___ 15-17”     ___ 17” or More
    (display size and laptop weight must agree)

    Sound quality :
    ___ yes     ___ no

    For a pointing device, I prefer:
    ___ Touchpad     ___ Eraser Nub

    How much hard drive:
    ___ smaller OR ___ bigger

     need a floppy drive:
    ___ yes     ___ no

    A CD-RW/DVD combo drive:
    ___ yes     ___ no

    ___ yes     ___ no

    I will connect by:
    ___ Modem     ___ Wired Network     ___ Wireless Network
    (check all that apply)

    I will probably need a FireWire device for multimedia work:
    ___ yes     ___ no

    I need my laptop to double as a desktop computer:
    ___ yes     ___ no
    (yes indicates a need for a docking station/port replicator)

    Based on my expected usage, I need a battery type:
    ___ Lithium Ion (high use)     ___ NiMH (low use)

    I prefer a processor from:
    ___ Intel     ___ AMD     ___ Transmeta

    I can get by fine with a lower-end processor:
    ___ yes     ___ no

    Based on my expected usage, I need an extended warranty:
    ___ yes     ___ no

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